Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
These 3 Special Crosses Have Been Given to the Chosen Ones by Heaven
Message from God the Father to Latin-American Mystic, Lorena on February 18, 2025

I was meditating and praying, when God the Father spoke to me like this:
My dear daughter, follow My instructions to the letter, you have been sealed with the Blue, Yellow and Red Crosses on your Forehead, Heart, Hands and Feet.
These 3 Special Crosses have been given to the Chosen Ones by Heaven, for Important Missions within the Great Tribulation, they will help their brothers in disgrace and will sacrifice themselves to be able to take them to New Heavens and New Earth, they will live the Great Tribulation, but it will be very different than the others, since they will receive Special Graces and Gifts in order to help their other brothers.
Those Who Carry These Three Crosses, Will Be of Great Use in the Great Tribulation for Their Brothers, They Will Be the Guide of the People of Israel to New Heavens and New Earth.
Leaders full of Light and Power who will lead the Great Crowd to New Heavens and New Earth, these people who carry the Blue, Red and Yellow Mark on their Foreheads, Heart, Hands and Feet symbolizing:
[1] The Blue Cross – the Power of the Holy Trinity.
[2] The Red Cross – the Power of the Holy Spirit.
[3] The Yellow Cross – the Power of Saint Michael the Archangel.
They will be invisible before the enemy and will be able to help their brothers to reach the New Heavens and New Earth – It is a Sacrifice, because they will remain in the Great Tribulation – But they will have all the supernatural help of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit and St. Michael the Archangel and His retinue of angels.
They Will Possess Extraordinary Gifts and Through Them They Will Be Able to Help Their Brothers and Sisters, They Will Be Immune to Diseases, Natural Disasters, Evil and the Antichrist Himself Who Will Not Be Able to Fight Them.
I have marked several people with these 3 Crosses among them you My daughter, you did not know their meaning, nor the Mission they imply, but today that you know it with your Free Will and your Love towards your Neighbor, you must accept them with YOUR FULL CONSENT OR REJECT THEM.
But Keep in Mind That if You Reject Them, You Will Have Rejected My Will in Your Life and Your Mission, and You Will Not Have the Satisfaction of Fulfilling What I Had Planned for You, There is Still Time to Receive These Crosses.
They have been received through those given to you in the last Message of 2022 and whoever receives them out of Love for his Neighbor and Surrender, will also have a Great Reward in Heaven and New Earth for his Donation and Help to his other brothers.
In New Heavens and New Earth, They Will Have Key and Important Missions Within the Communities That Will Be Formed, Their Donation to Their Other Brothers Will Not Go Unrewarded, They Will Be Very Happy in the New Jerusalem and Will Lead Communities, as Pillars of the New Generations, They Will Inhabit the Castle of the King and Will Possess More Virtues and Gifts for Having Given Their Lives for the Salvation of Their Other Brothers in the Tribulation.
Now that you know the meaning of the Three Crosses that I have embedded in your Forehead, Heart, Hands and Feet, decide what decision to make and also publish this Message, so that those who wish to receive them with their Free Will may do so as long as they lead a Life of Prayer and follow My Precepts.
They Must Receive These Three Crosses by Means of the Message That Was Given to You Last Time, These Three Crosses Will Be Given to the Elect, but Under Their Free Will Since They Will Become Guides and Leaders of the Great Multitude, So I Await Your Answer and That of Your Other Brothers.
FEBRUARY 2, 2022
The 144,000 chosen of the Apocalypse, sealed before everything happens, have been prepared from an early age in such Praiseworthy Missions, for this reason they must TRANSFORM their hearts and then their bodies, so that, filled with the Effusion of the Holy Spirit, and endowed with Preternatural Gifts, can face the Great Battle between Good and Evil.
I, Saint Michael the Archangel, come to provide you with My Special Armor for this type of Soldiers, this Armor will ONLY be carried by the 144,000 chosen of the Apocalypse and will carry the 3 Crosses on their foreheads:
— The Red of Fire: which is that of the Holy Spirit
— The Blue Cross of Light: which is that of the HOLY TRINITY
— The Yellow of Light: which means My Insignia on their foreheads as a Symbol of Soldiers trained and commanded by Me as their Leader.
They will also carry the Maternal Protection of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe through Her Mantle of Stars, which will Cover and Protect them from ALL evil, and My Spiritual Armor that consists of: Sword, Shield, Helmet, Sandals and a beautiful White Steed with Wings that will take them to travel all over the Terrestrial Globe, and outside of it, to remote places in the Universe, because in this Spiritual Fight there are thousands of invisible beings who are also in Battle and also inhabit the Spirit World.
When the Veil falls from their eyes, they will be able to look at the Spiritual Reality and have a broader Panorama of what is happening in these Last Times, and how they can Combat these Forces of Evil.
Therefore, today I will tell you how to obtain your ARMOR, along with your White Steed, your 3 Crosses on your forehead and the Protection of the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe.
FIRST: You must make a good Confession of Life, then you must go before the Blessed Sacrament.
If you do not find a good place of Adoration, you will do it through the Internet, you will prostrate in front of JESUS EUCHARIST, in order to receive the 3 Crosses RED, BLUE AND YELLOW in the following way with this Prayer and asking for it with ALL YOUR HEART, you will pray these 3 Prayers that will give you a SPECIAL PROTECTION FROM HEAVEN.
PRAYER: I, (full name), as the Chosen One of My Lord Jesus Christ, today ask God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, to embed in my forehead and my heart, THE RED FIRE CROSS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, so that through this Cross I may possess the Infusion of the Holy Spirit in my being and through this Infusion, carry out my Praiseworthy Mission in this End Times.
In the same way I ask for THE BLUE CROSS, which Symbolizes the Power of the Holy Trinity in my forehead and heart, so that Armored by the Power of the Holy Trinity I can carry out my Mission and be able to Fight against the forces of evil, in this bloody Battle to which God called me from my mother’s womb.
And finally I ask for the YELLOW CROSS that Symbolizes the Protection and Help of Saint Michael the Archangel and His Army in this Battle on my forehead and heart, and thus with these 3 CROSSES OF PROTECTION I am equipped for War. Amen.
Then with this Prayer you will ask for the Special Armor for the FIRST FRUITS:
PRAYER: I, (name), as the FIRST FRUIT OF JESUS CHRIST, carry the Armor of Saint Michael the Archangel, HIS SHIELD to defend myself from the Combat of Enemies, HIS SWORD to fight against the forces of evil, HIS HELMET to shelter in me, Knowledge for the Battle, and the SANDALS to walk the Paths of TRUTH. And lastly, my WHITE STEED, to be able to be Transported to any place to fulfill my Mission.
I CARRY MY ARMOR, with Pride and Dignity to bring the TRUTH to every People, Race and Nation, Amen.
Finally, you will ask the Sweet Mother of Heaven to provide you with HER CLOAK OF STARS with which you will be INVISIBLE to the enemy and PROTECTED from ALL Incendiary darts of the Enemy.
PRAYER: I, (name), as the Chosen One of Jesus Christ, ask the Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe to COVER me with HER MANTLE OF STARS and Impose it on me with Love. So that, through it, I may be Protected and Invisible to the Forces of Evil, Amen.
Now as Firstfruits of Christ, with your Crosses on your foreheads, your Armor and your Mantle you are equipped for War and to be able to go out to Fight with all your Weapons, just wait for your Final Transformations and your Preternatural Gifts for Battle.
I leave you with the War Cry,
Who is like God, no one is like God!
Saint Michael Archangel.
Source: ➥